Trans Nano

Transport Incubator
- Heat the PCB reusable pouch in hot water till all the solid material turns into liquid in 10 min
- Place the pouch in baby tray compartment and lay the baby inside the incubator
- Temperature will remain 36-37°C for atleast 3-4 hours until liquid material doesnt solidify again
Common Features
- Light Weight Construction made of Fibre Material brings down the weight of the incubator such that even a nurse can lift it. (Weight – 7 – 15 Kgs)
- As overall size of incubator reduces, consumption of supplemental oxygen is also reduced. Oxygen flow of 2 litres/min can easily be sufficient.
- Dimensions: 26″ x 15″ x 15″
- Baby Area : 21″ x 13″

TransNANO B Transport Trolley
- Baby Tray – 21″ x 13″ Vertical Space – 8″
- Wide Space for Baby
- High Performance UPS providing 12V Support
- Provision for Two 10L Oxygen Cylinder
- TransNANO B Incubator with Collapsible Trolley
- Sliding Mattress
- Two port holes & Openable door to access baby Double Wall Canopy (Optional)
- Bacteria Filter
- 12V Battery Compartment
- Can be collapsed upto Three Levels
- TransNANO B Incubator with Autoloading Stretcher Trolley

Transport Ventilator
When the smallest lives are in your hands, you can depend on AVIA TransVent emergency
and transport Pediatric / Neonatal Ventilator
- Transport
- Calibrated
- Controls
- Portable
- Compact
- Light Weight